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Leif Erlingsson Site Admin

Joined: 28 Jul 2005 Posts: 302 Location: Tullinge, Botkyrka
Posted: Fri, 2005 Oct 21 10:56:39 Post subject: The Avian Flu Fright is Politically Timed |
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The Avian Flu Fright is Politically Timed
A Public Health Warning and Political Essay
By Dr. Leonard Horowitz
October 12, 2005
The Avian Flu Fright: Politically Timed for Global ``Iatrogenocide''
If avian flu becomes more than a threatened pandemic, it will have done so by political and economic design. This thesis is supported by current massive media misrepresentations, profiteering on risky and valueless vaccines, gross neglect of data evidencing earlier similar man-made plagues including SARS, West Nile Virus, AIDS and more; continuance of genetic studies breeding more mutant flu viruses likely to outbreak, inside trading scandals involving pandemic savvy White House and drug industry officials, curious immunity of these pharmaceutical entities over the past century to law enforcement and mainstream media scrutiny, and published official depopulation objectives. With the revelations and assertions advanced herein, the public is forewarned against this physician-assisted mass murder best termed ``iatrogenocide.''* This genocidal imposition is expected to serve mainly economic and political depopulation objectives.
In April, 2003, a social experiment called SARS, said to have arrived from Asia, heavily struck Toronto. I was there throughout most of this Asian flu-foreshadowing fright. This bizarre new pneumonia-like illness was named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It was said to be the latest threat in an ongoing series of attacks on humanity by mysteriously mutating "supergerms."
A careful study of the scientific and medical-sociological correlates and antecedents of this ``outbreak'' revealed something amiss far more insidious than SARS. I critically considered Toronto's media reaction as any Harvard-trained public health expert in media persuasion behavioral science might. The scourge had all the earmarks of a novel social experiment conducted by white-collar bioterrorist.
It seemed clear to me that this unprecedented population manipulation effectively indoctrinated the mass mind in support of a grossly ineffective, albeit legislated, public health response in advance of the arrival of "the Big One." Throughout the ``SARS Scam,''(1) repeated references were made to biological agents that might facilitate decimation of approximately a third to half of the world's population. Having extensively reviewed political population control literature and contemporary objectives of leading global industrialists, I noted these predictions were in close keeping with current official population reduction objectives.(2)
Canada's response to SARS in 2003 was, for the first time in history, directed by the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO). Having reviewed the intimate financial and administrative ties between these organizations, the Rockefeller family, Carnegie Foundation, and the world's leading drug makers, ``the fox,'' in essence, reigned over Canada's ``chickens.''
The truth about plagues includes the fact that ``no grand pandemic ever evolved divorced from major socio-political upheaval." SARS advanced a political agenda more than a public health emergency. If public health officials earnestly intended to prevent these new emerging diseases, or successfully treat them at their roots, I repeated, they would study their obvious origins from the merged military-medical-biotechnology arena. A basic course in medical sociology simply justifies this utilitarian counsel.
"Experts" had been predicting the arrival of a super-plague for decades. What was HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS about the mysterious and terrifying arrival of SARS, however, was its timing. It synchronously arrived with the global war on terrorism, and the Anglo-American war with Iraq. It seemed a convenient distraction from the fact that the earlier Bush administration had shipped Saddam Hussein most of his deadly biological weapons arsenal including anthrax and West Nile Virus. SARS was pathognomonic (i.e., symptomatic and characteristic) of what I had predicted and explained in the book, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare (Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2001; http://www.healthyworlddistributing.com/), a prophetically-titled text that predated the 9-11 attacks on America by several months, and provided a contextual analysis of certain globalists' links to recent ``outbreaks.''
In essence, I provided insight into the broad application of a new form of institutionalized "bioterrorism" consistent with state sponsored biological warfare. Saddam Hussein was said to have exposed populations in his and adjacent lands with biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction. SARS and the current avian flu fright is sanctioned by military-medical-pharmaceutical-petrochemical industrialists likewise operating above the law in many documented instances. Having testified before the U.S. Congress, I personally experienced how premiere pharmaceutical industrialists direct our political-economic representatives in government. Emerging diseases complement the political "War on Terrorism," and our bioterror-influenced culture. This agenda serves two primary objectives: profitability and population-reduction.
Political Reality Versus Mass-Mediated Myths
The ever increasing madness around us is eerily consistent with globalist think tank recommendations for the current "conflicts short of war." Beginning in the late 1960s, "economic substitutes for standard militarization" were sought and found by leading global industrialists. New biological threats, the ``war on terrorism,'' and increasing numbers of ``natural disasters'' including space-based threats and superstorms were considered economically and politically expedient compared with the first and second world wars. These ``conflicts short of war'' were decidedly more manageable and economically viable. For this reason, especially their profitability, they were leading options among Anglo-American policy makers.
Nelson Rockefeller's protégé, Henry Kissinger, for instance, as National Security Advisor (NSA) under Richard Nixon, oversaw foreign policy while considering Third World population reduction "necessities" for the U.S., Britain, Germany, and other allies. This Bush nominee to direct the 9-11 conspiracy investigation, a reputed war criminal, then selected the option to have the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) develop biological weapons, according to the U.S. Congressional Record of 1975. Among these new man-made biological weapons were germs far deadlier than the avian flu.
For example, by 1968, when Kissinger requested and received updated intelligence on useful ``synthetic biological agents`` for germ warfare and population control, mutant recombinant flu viruses had just been engineered by Special Virus Cancer Program researchers O'Conner, Stewart, Kinard, Rauscher and others.(3) During this program, influenza and parainfluenza viruses were recombined with quick acting leukemia viruses (acute lymphocytic leukemia) to deliver weapons that potentially spread cancer, like the flu, by sneezing. These researchers also amassed avian cancer (sarcoma) viruses and inoculated them into humans and monkeys to determine their carcinogenicity. In related efforts, Raucher et al. used radiation to enhance avian virus's cancer-causing potential. These incredible scientific realities have been officially censored and generally neglected by the media's mainstream.
Similarly, the Institute of Science in Society (IoSS) in London raised the genetic engineering question in the origin of SARS. ``Could genetic engineering have contributed inadvertently to creating the SARS virus?'' they asked. ``This point was not even considered by the expert coronavirologists called in to help handle the crisis, now being feted and woed by pharmaceutical companies eager to develop vaccines.'' Those living in glass houses should not throw stones. The above emphasis is added to show IoSS they had ``not even considered'' intentional SARS deployment in their scientific, allegedly unbiased, purview.(4)
Conflicts short of war, like the "War on AIDS," "War on Drugs," "War on Terrorism," "War on Cancer," and now ``War on the Avian Flu'' require sophisticated propaganda programs employing fear campaigns for social acceptance and popular support of legislated policies. These psychological operations (officially termed PSYOPS) for ``command and control warfare'' (technically called C2W), experts advise, best support the emerging "Revolution in Military Affairs" (RMA). The RMA's capabilities include "a form of human slavery" in which the world's captive populations would not know they are enslaved.(2)
The RMA undoubtedly incorporates the use of debilitating biologicals and chemical agents most generously on behalf of drug and vaccine makers. A classic example is the toxic carcinogenic organophosphate pesticides deployed against human populations, said to target ``mosquitoes,'' in the "War Against the West Nile Virus." Such "non-lethal warfare" agents, as these are militarily termed, are indeed deadly, but mortality results slowly from toxic exposures allowing more profits to be made by allied pharmaceutical and medical industrialists. Victims of the "non-lethal" exposures die slowly from chronic debilitating diseases. Expensive hospitals and long-term care facilities are virtual concentration camps. The ailments generated for ``iatrogenocide'' include the plethora of autoimmune diseases and newer cancers virtually non-existent 50 years ago. This fact, alone, strongly suggests a genocidal socio-economic and political agenda.
Avian Flu for Profit
In response to SARS, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, Michael Fumento, published an economic thesis in Toronto related to the one I advance here. The "Super-bug or Super Scare," he wrote was published in Canada's National Post. Canadians were warned to "quarantine themselves," wear masks, and in some cases stay home. The Ontario Health Minister declared a "health emergency," as the media dubbed the "mysterious killer" a "super-pneumonia.'' Recoiling from the hype, Fumento asked and answered a few ``real questions . . . How lethal, how transmissible, and how treatable is this strain?'' The answers, he concluded, ``leave no grounds for excitement, much less panic.'' The same may be said for this new curse of avian flu.(1)
At this writing, the avian flu is said to have killed ``about 65 people'' in Southeast Asia during the past two years! Little to no data is available on these individuals who most commonly had immune-compromising medical conditions. Further, all deaths were in Asian countries with questionable health services.
Conversely, other forms of flu kill more than 40,000 North Americans annually, generally the immune-compromised elderly.
According to USA Today (October 9, 2005), ``European health officials are working to contain the [avian flu] virus, which so far has not infected anyone in the region.'' Although, allegedly ``more than 140 million birds have died or been destroyed, . . . and financial losses to the poultry sector have topped $10 billion.'' This propaganda actually admits, ``the current virus, known as H5N1, has not yet mutated to the point at which it can easily spread from person to person.'' In fact, it is likely to have never spread from person to person other than during laboratory handling!(5)
``The U.S. Senate has already approved a $3.9 billion package to buy vaccines and antiviral medications, and the Administration is also preparing a request for an additional $6 billion to $10 billion,'' according to a current BusinessWeek report.( 6)
``Beam me up Scottie, there is no intelligent life on this planet.'' This largely explains why the public puts up with this deadly deception. Even USA Today bemoans, ``there is no human vaccine yet.'' So how come the U.S. Senate is rushing to spend all these billions for an avian flu vaccine?
I suppose we should overlook the fact that the current frightening strain of H5N1 avian flu virus has never readily jumped from human to human, and not commonly from birds to humans either. Thus, an effective vaccine can only be prepared by mutating this virus, thus creating what the world fears most. Let me explain. . . .
To make the human vaccine specific for the H5N1 mutant virus, you must start with the human virus which does not yet exist, except in perhaps military-biomedical-pharmaceutical laboratories. In fact, this is precisely what is being prepared based on news reports. To produce the human pathogen, the avian virus must be cultured for lengthy periods of time in human cell cultures, then injected into monkey and ultimately humans to see if these experimental subjects get the same feared flu. Thus, the flu virus the world currently fears most is either: 1) now being prepared in labs paid by industrialists with massive wealth-building incentives to ``accidentally'' release the virus; or 2) has already been prepared in such labs to take advantage of this current fright and future sales following the virus's release.
Remember, to be effective against a virus, a vaccine is said to require specificity. If authorities were to now have the main H5N1 avian flu strain feared to spread at some future date there's no assurance by the time they developed the vaccine the strain would remain sufficiently the same for the vaccine to be effective anyway due to expected viral mutations. Viral mutations over time is a function of the agent's newness. New man-made viruses, laboratory creations, like the ones currently being prepared for vaccine trials, are less stable not having evolved over the millennia. Thus, the entire vaccine effort is largely, if not entirely, a sham with ulterior motives.
Remember too, that a vaccine's reliability requires years, or at least months, of testing in the targeted population. Vaccine injury data must, or should, be meticulously collected over this period to assure the vaccine is not killing and maiming more persons than it is helping or saving. Can you seriously believe this assurance will be provided by government or pharmaceutical industry officials in this pandemic's wake? FEMA's failed Katrina response pails by comparison to this public health liability and vaccine-injury certainty.
I say ``vaccine-injury certainty'' because of the extensive list of newly developed vaccinations, highly touted when brought to market, that caused horrific results. This list includes the first swine flu vaccine, polio vaccines, smallpox vaccine, anthrax vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, and most recently Lyme disease vaccine that crippled approximately 750,000 people within months of its release and prior to its recall by the FDA.
Most people fail to realize all vaccines carry a list of ingredients that typically increase human disease and death (i.e., morbidity and mortality). These include toxic elements and chemicals such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and formalin (used to preserve corpses), MSG, foreign genetic material, and risky proteins from various species of bacteria, viruses, and animals that have been scientifically associated with triggering autoimmune disorders and certain cancers. A growing body of scientific evidence strongly suggests vaccines are largely responsible for increasing cases of autism and other learning disabilities, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Lupus, MS, ALS, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, hay fever, allergies, chronic draining ear infections, type 1 autoimmune diabetes, and many, many more pandemics. These chronic ailments are said to require long-term medical care for the patients' management causing toxic side effects resulting in America's leading killer--iatrogenic disease. That is, vaccines and other pharmaceutical industry inventions are literally killing or disabling millions with little effort on the part of government officials and their drug industry cohorts to arrest this scourge.
For all we know, governments are ordering an avian flu vaccine that will precisely deliver this pandemic to the world to affect population control. Absurd thesis? Read on.
BusinessWeek expects avian flu vaccine stockpiling by government officials will help the Sanofi-Pasteur company on behalf of Sanofi-Aventis and Chiron. ``Tamiflu,'' it reported is an antiviral manufactured by Roche, . . . considered effective against avian flu. . . . The U.S. owns enough for 4.3 million people, with more on order.'' BusinessWeek failed to report: 1) Tamiflu's safety and effectiveness has not been determined in people with other chronic medical conditions--a significant percentage of the U.S. population-- and common side effects of this drug include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bronchitis, stomach pain, dizziness, headaches, and much, much more; 2) Roche (Hoffman-LaRoche) was found guilty of price fixing the world's supply of vitamins in 1999 as part of the global petrochemical/pharmaceutical cartel evolved from Nazi-Germany's I.G. Farben organization;(2)(6) and 3) Sanofi-Aventis's corporate colleagues include Merck, a company that received a lion's share of the Nazi war chest at the end of WWII, whose earnings plunged after the withdrawal last year of its deadly Vioxx arthritis drug. According to recent news reports, Merck is partnering with Sanofi-Aventis to produce the world's first sexually-transmitted-cancer vaccine to be given to prepubescent boys and girls.(7) Merck is infamous for having developed the first hepatitis B vaccines that triggered the international AIDS pandemic according to published scientific research and stunning documents reprinted in this author's national bestselling book.(3)(8)
In the weeks and months following the 9-11 attacks on America, I traced the widely publicized anthrax mailings "mystery" to U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) commissioned biological weapons contractors with ties to Britain's MI6, Porton Down, and this same Anglo-American pharmaceutical cartel.(9) The anthrax mailings fanned fears of bioterrorism throughout America and economically served primarily vaccine and drug makers with administrative and financial links to these avian flu profiteers.(10)
People willingly relinquish their civil rights and personal freedoms in the wake of such engineered frights. The passage of the infamous "Homeland Security Act" in America, and its counterpart in Canada, are classic examples of this societal direction, forced legislation, and egregious manipulation.
Why Asia?
How convenient that Asia is said to be the origin, as with SARS, of this latest plague when Chinese-Anglo-American relations are strained to say the least.
In the days preceding the emergence of the first SARS cases, America raced to the Pacific Rim to impact escalating aggressions on the Korean peninsula. Communist China--a "most favored" trading partner with America--is politically allied with several American enemies, including those said to possess weapons of mass destruction, including Iraq. Coincidental? Not likely when viewing the larger political picture involving the Ango-American oligarchy's RMA, its global enterprises, and instigated planet-wide "conflicts short of war."
Consider also the fact the media's mainstream has been heavily influenced, if not entirely controlled, by multi-national corporate sponsors protecting and advancing the interests of a relatively small number of global entities. Also recall that the focus of news providers, on any given day or hour, results from intelligence agency directives, according to reputable authorities including myriad retired news officials and intelligence officers. So ask and answer the following intelligent questions:
* Why have American military officials, beginning with Secretary of Defense William Cohen during the Clinton years, publicized America's greatest vulnerability lies in the realm of biological weapons wielded by terrorists? Is this not a form of treason against the United States to relay such sensitive intelligence to potential enemies through the mainstream press?
* Why does the mainstream media continue to foretell of the expected arrival of the "Big One"-an influenza virus that will produce a super-flu that will kill billions of people, like the "Spanish flu" did between 1918-19, while totally disregarding the individuals, organizations, and laboratories that have labored to produce these weapons of mass destruction? Even the devastating Spanish Flu virus has been, literally, unearthed for further study and, do you suppose, deployment?
* Why was the "Spanish flu" influenza virus called the "Spanish flu" when it originated, by historic accounts, in Tibet in 1917? It is said that Spanish newspapers were the only ones reporting on the great plague due to their neutrality over World War I politics. However, Spain was as dear to America then as Communist China is to the United States today. The "Spanish flu" was named such following two decades of disputes between America and Spain over colonization of the Caribbean Islands, Hawaii and the Philippines beginning with the Spanish American war that ended in the Philippines in 1902. In fact, the grand Spanish flu began in military camps. Does this history appear to be repeating?
*Doesn't it make sense that America is being manipulated, if not targeted, for the purpose of advancing globalistic agendas, central among them is population reduction?
The "Big One"
As mentioned above, during the 1960s and early 1970s, military biological weapons contractors with intimate ties to leading drug industrialists prepared mutants of influenza and para-influenza viruses recombined with acute lymphocytic leukemia viruses. In other words, they stockpiled a quick spreading cancer virus which may also be deployed.(3)
Alternatively, many infectious disease experts and government health officials oblivious to this scientific reality say this avian flu might be the 'Big One." Several days ago, the United Nations released a report that stated as many as 150 million people worldwide might die from this avian flu.
Emma Ross of the Associated Press reported on SARS as the World Health Organization (WHO) launched its "crisis plan to attack" the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. WHO, as you may recall, is a U.N. sponsored organization that is rumored to have helped spread AIDS to Africa by way of contaminated hepatitis B and/or polio vaccinations. There is a reasonable amount of evidence to support this contention.(1)
More disconcerting, the U.N. is known to be heavily influenced by Rockefeller family members and their petrochemical-pharmaceutical interests. History shows Rockefeller fortunes built the U.N. building in New York City. During WWII, the Rockefeller family and their Standard Oil Company supported Hitler more than they did the allies according to court records. One federal judge ruled Rockefeller committed "treason" against the United States. Following WWII, according to attorney John Loftus-an official Nazi war crimes investigator-Nelson Rockefeller persuaded the U.N.'s South American voting block to favor Israel's creation only to assure secrecy regarding his support for the Nazis. Earlier that century, John D. Rockefeller joined Prescott Bush and the British Royal Family in sponsoring the eugenics initiatives that gave rise to Hitler's racial hygiene programs. During the same period the Rockefeller family virtually monopolized American medicine, American pharmaceutics, and the cancer and genetics industries.(2, 3)
Today, the Rockefeller family, its foundation, U.N. and WHO remain at the forefront of administering "population programs" designed to reduce world populations to more manageable levels. As per an advertisement in Foreign Affairs--a prestigious political periodical published by the David Rockefeller directed Council on Foreign Relations--the U.S. population is being targeted for a 50% reduction.(2)
"We've never faced anything on this scale with such a global reach,'' said Dr. David Heymann, of the WHO, not regarding the avian flu, but SARS.
"This is the first time that a global network of [Rockefeller-directed infectious disease 'surveillance' outposts and] laboratories are sharing information, samples, blood, pictures," added Dr. Klaus Stohr, a WHO virologist coordinating labs internationally. "Basically overnight, there are no secrets, there is no jealousy, there is no competition in the face of a global health emergency. This is a phenomenal network.''(1)
* The term ``iatrogenocide'' is derived from the combination of words ``iatrogenesis,'' meaning physician induced illness, and ``genocide,'' defined as the mass killing and/or enslaving of people for economics, politics, and/or ideology.
About the Author Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., is an internationally known authority in the overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and bioterrorism. Dr. Horowitz is best known for his national bestselling book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron Press, 1998; 1-888-508-4787) which recently resulted in the United States General Accounting Office investigating the man-made origin of AIDS theory. (See: http://www.healingcelebrations.com/gao.htm ) Dr. Horowitz's work in the field of vaccination risk awareness has prompted at least three Third World nations to change their vaccination policies. His stunning testimony before the United States Congress' Government Reform Committee, literally brought the hearing to a halt. (See: healingcelebrations.com) Dr. Horowitz questioned government health officials regarding a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) secreted report showing a definitive link between the mercury ingredient (i.e., Thimerosal), common to most vaccinations, and the skyrocketing rates of autism and behavioral disorders affecting our children and the future of our nation.
Dr. Horowitz's most recent book is DNA: "Pirates of the Sacred Spiral", a reference text on the electro-genetics of biology, disease therapy, and human spirituality. This work also details links between the anthrax mailings and human genome project heist, and leading intelligence agency, genetics industry, and pharmaceutical company officials.
For more information about Dr. Horowitz's books, videos, CDs and DVDs link to www.healthyworlddistributing.com and www.tetrahedron.org, or by calling 1-888-508-4787. His official website is www.drlenhorowitz.com.
This article was provided courtesy of Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Tetrahedron Publishing Group. It's copyright is relinquished for widespread distribution.
1) Horowitz LG. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome): A Great Global Scam. Available at: http://www.healingcelebrations.com/SARS.htm
2) Horowitz LG. Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare. Sandpoint, ID: Tetrahedron Publishing Group, (Spring) 2001.
3) Horowitz LG. Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola, Nature, Accident or Intentional? Sandpoint, ID: Tetrahedron Publishing Group, (Spring) 2001.
4) The Institute of Science in Society. SARS and Genetic Engineering? London, England. Article available at: http://www.tetrahedron.org/articles/health_risks/sars_engineering.html
5) Knox N. Europe braces for avian flu. USA TODAY, October 9, 2005; Manning A.Government to stock up on avian flu shots. USA Today, Oct 8, 2005.
6) Wang P. Avian Flu: Inoculate Your Portfolio. BusinessWeek. Online edition. Available at: http://www.businessweek.com/ investor/content/oct2005/ pi2005110_4988_pi015.htm
7) CNNMoney. Merck shares jump on cancer drug vaccine. October 6, 2005. Available at: http://money.cnn.com/ 2005/10/06/news/fortune500/ merck.reut/
8) For more scientific background on the link between the hepatitis B vaccine and the AIDS pandemic link to http://www.originofAIDS.com .
9) Horowitz LG. The CIA's Role in the Anthrax Mailings: Could Our Spies be Agents for Military-Industrial Sabotage, Terrorism, and Even Population Control? A Special Report. Article available at: http://www.tetrahedron.org/ articles/anthrax/ anthrax_espionage.html
10) Horowitz LG. DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral. Sandpoint, ID: Tetrahedron Publishing Group, 2004.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Tetrahedron Publishing Group, and do not necessarily reflect those of Leif Erlingsson. The article was also provided courtesy of Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Tetrahedron Publishing Group. It's copyright is relinquished for widespread distribution.
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Leif Erlingsson Site Admin

Joined: 28 Jul 2005 Posts: 302 Location: Tullinge, Botkyrka
Posted: Fri, 2005 Oct 21 15:07:52 Post subject: Konspirationsteori av Astrid Boman |
Länk till denna artikel: http://mediekritik.lege.net/viewtopic.php?p=93#93
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av Astrid Boman
Publicerad 2005-10-21
En konspirationsteori är tvärt emot vad många tror ingenting man tar ur luften och slänger ned på ett papper. En konspirationstoeri uppstår ur en mängd fakta. Att skapa en konspirationsteori är som att bygga ett pussel. Varje faktabit ska falla på plats för att sedan bilda en begriplig bild av verkligheten.
Vad man inte kan åstadkomma i en konspirationsteori är bevis. Där får framtiden visa vad som var rätt och vad som var fel. Vad det gäller denna konspirationsteori hoppas jag att jag har fel, grundligt fel. Men de fakta jag samlat, oroar mig.
Mellan 12 nov 2003 och 11 feb 2004 har sex mikrobiologer mördats. Den sjundes död är fortfarande ett frågetecken. Jag avser då dr. David Kelly som ansågs vara den politiska läckan angående Tony Blairs avsaknande av skäl att delta i Irakkriget.
De mördade mikrobiologerna är förutom David Kelly, Benito Que hittades medveslös 12 nov 2003 avliden den 6 nov, Don C. Wiley försvann 16 nov 2003 hittades död 20 dec, Vladimir Pasechnik 23 nov 2003 Wiltshire England, 10 dec 2003 Robert Schwartz Loudoun County, Virginia, 11 dec 2003 Set Van Nguyen Viktoria Australien, 8 feb 2004 Vladimir Korshunov Moskva (enligt Pravda hade Korshunov uppfunnit vaccinet som skyddar mot biologiska vapen eller själva vapnet dvs. den etniska biologiskabakterie bomben,) 11 feb 2004 hittades Ian Langford Norwich England mördad.
Alla dessa mikrobiologer hade en gemensam nämnare. Fort Detrick och biovapenforskning! Alla sysslade dessutom indirekt eller direkt med den särskilda DNA foskningen. På Fort Detrick har länge pågått forskning omkring så kallade etniska vapen. Dvs man kan få fram en bakterie som endats angriper människor med vissa DNA:n. Man skulle då kunna få fram ett vapen som endast angriper vissa befolkningsgrupper, färgade tex. Man kan då också få fram vaccin som endast gäller vissa befolkningsgrupper.
Det verkar osannolikt att sju mikrobiologer som sysslar med samma slags forskning under denna korta tidsrymd skulle bli utsatt för oorganiserad brottslighet eller dö naturligt.
Dessa mikrobiologer skulle tystas. Av vem och varför?
Herr Bush tog makten under mystiska omständigheter. Det är numera ett känt faktum att han planerar ett globalt oljekrig.
Herr Bush mandattid går ut om tre år. Även om Israel hjälper honom i kriget mot Iran är det knappast troligt att han hinner lägga under sig världens oljetillgångar under den korta tiden. Herr Bush fattar beslut idag som ligger efter hans mandatperiod. Tänker han stanna kvar vid makten ?
Det jag skriver nu är en teori. Jag hoppas att det stannar vid det. För att Bushadimistrationen ska kunna bli kvar vid makten krävs att grundlagen upphör att gälla. Hur ?
Jo, medelst ett terrordåd så stort att inte ens folket protesterar.
Förra året stiftades i USA nya lagar som skulle gälla vid terrordåd med biovapen. Den så kallade Nödhälsoakten. Den innebär att amerikanska myndigheter kan:
Kräva att varje individ ska vaccineras. Att vägra är ett brott och straffas med karantän.
Kräva att varje individ ska genomgå en specifik medicinsk behandling. Att vägra är ett brott och straffas med karantän.
Beslagta all egendom, inklusive fastigheter, mat, bränsle och kläder. Om det är nödvändigt i en krissituation.
Beslagta och förstöra allt som betraktas som farligt. Ingen kompensation utbetalas.
Inkalla dig och ditt eventuella företag i statlig tjänst.
Införa ransonering, priskontroll, kvotering och vägtullar.
Avskaffa delstatslagar, regleringar och förordningar som innebär ett hinder vid extrema nödsituationer.
Dvs. införa fullständig diktatur.
Bushadimistrationen sitter förmodligen idag med ett etnisk biovapen som eventuellt drabbar svarta, de mindre viktiga i det amerikanska samhället. Om man låter en sådan bomb brisera. Ja, då är ju fortsättningen given.
Även om detta scenario inte blir verklighet är det oroande nog att en krigsgalen diktator sitter med detta vapen i handen.
Astrid Boman
Publicerat med tillstånd från författaren: ``Hjälp mig att sprida den.'' |
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